
Guy Best Friend Vs. Girl Best Friend
Best friends are the ones with whom we share everything in our life. From making memories to getting drunk and having a hangover to being a sober one, they have seen it all. Every friendship should have a world in which both BFFs should be there. Every friendship has its dynamic, and you can always cherish both. You love them as your own family and always go for advice.
Maybe you have one, or perhaps you don't; here are some differences you can see when you have a guy or girl as your best friend.
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Differences When Having A Girl Best Friend Vs. A Guy Best Friend
You can reveal your secrets to both of them
Having a girl BFF: When you have a girl as your best friend, you can always confide in her. She is the most trustworthy person, and you can share your secrets with her without any judgments. She'll understand your problems because she is going through some of them too. You can always discuss the guy's problems with them.
Having a boy BFF: He can understand the perspective from a guy's point of view. You can be safe with them and hand around with no fear.
People might presume you're more than friends
Having a girl BFF: When you dress together, people assume that you're sisters.
Having a boy BFF: When you spend too much time together, people will talk about you and spread rumors like dating.
You have your meaning of fun
Having a girl BFF: You have your go-to places, and your fun activities would be different. It can be to get a new haircut or go window shopping.
Having a boy BFF: With him, you can go on an adventure and enjoy the latest action movie. Some game nights and sipping beer can be a perfect day when you're with him.
Get advice from different perspectives.
Having a girl BFF: It can be honest and emotional when getting advice from your girl's best friend. There will be more empathy in it because she might have gotten into it too. You'll get experienced advice which might help you out better.
Having a boy BFF: Their perspective will balance because they know what other guys think.
Sharing things is different
Having a girl BFF: You guys can share the wardrobes. Whenever you're running out of clothes for a date, you know whom to reach out to.
Having a boy BFF: You share different thoughts, movies, and games with him.
Honesty comes in two different forms
Having a girl BFF: Girls will be thoughtful and brutally honest with you. They'll examine the situation carefully and then provide you with the best solution. She'll make sure that you don't get hurt and mad about things.
Having a boy BFF: Your best friend will make straight points and doesn't care if that hurts you. He will also be brutally honest with you, but the approach will differ.
One thing that’ll remain the same is, no matter what gender of your friend is, they’ll always be there through thick and thin.
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